Source code for resource.config

import subprocess as sp
import time
from os.path import expanduser as expand_user
from resource.base import BaseResource

from docstring import docstring
from lib.http import HTTPMethod
from lib.parser import json_parser, property_parser, xml_parser, yaml_parser
from lib.response import (BadRequestResponse, BaseResponse, ContentResponse,
                          NoContentResponse, NotFoundResponse)
from schema.config import (ConfigActionResponseSchema,
                           ConfigParameterResponseSchema, ConfigRequestSchema,
from utils.datetime import datetime_to_str
from utils.exception import extract_info
from utils.json import loads
from utils.sequence import is_list, wrap

MSG_NOT_FOUND = "{} {} not found"
MSG_NOT_ACCESSIBLE = "{} {} not accessible"
MSG_NO_CONTENT = "No content to apply configurations with the {{request}}"
MSG_NOT_VALID = "Not valid JSON for {}"

[docs]class ConfigResource(BaseResource): tag = {"name": "config", "description": "Configuration at run-time."} routes = ("/config",) parsers = { "json": json_parser, "properties": property_parser, "xml": xml_parser, "yaml": yaml_parser, } schema = { "actions": ConfigActionResponseSchema, "parameters": ConfigParameterResponseSchema, "resources": ConfigResourceResponseSchema, }
[docs] @docstring(source="config/post.yaml") def on_post(self, req, resp): req_data = or {} cfg_req_sh = ConfigRequestSchema( many=is_list(req_data), method=HTTPMethod.POST ) resp_data, valid = cfg_req_sh.validate(data=req_data) if valid: req_data_wrap = wrap(req_data) if len(req_data_wrap) > 0: for config in req_data_wrap: for cfg, cfg_list in config.items(): for data in wrap(cfg_list): output = self.__operations(cfg, data) if isinstance(output, BaseResponse): output.add(resp) else: output_data = data.copy() _id = output_data.pop("id", None) output.update( id=_id, data=output_data, timestamp=datetime_to_str(), ) schema = self.schema[cfg] schema_obj = schema( many=False, method=HTTPMethod.POST, unknown="INCLUDE", ) resp_data, valid = schema_obj.validate( data=output ) if valid: ContentResponse(output).add(resp) else: resp_data.add(resp) else: NoContentResponse(MSG_NO_CONTENT, request=req_data).apply(resp) else: resp_data.apply(resp)
def __operations(self, cfg, data): output = {} if cfg == "actions": output = self.__actions(data) elif cfg == "parameters": output = self.__parameters(data) elif cfg == "resources": output = self.__resources(data) return output def __actions(self, data): cmd = data.get("cmd", None) daemon = data.get("daemon", False) output_format = data.get("output_format", "plain") output = {"type": "action"} run = " ".join([cmd] + wrap(data.get("args", []))) start = time.time() proc = self.__run_cmd(cmd=run, daemon=daemon, output=output) if daemon: output.update(error=False, return_code=0) else: output.update( error=proc.returncode != 0, return_code=proc.returncode, duration=time.time() - start, ) self.__set_std(proc.stdout, output, "stdout", output_format) self.__set_std(proc.stderr, output, "stderr", output_format) return output def __parameters(self, data): schema = data.get("schema", None) source = data.get("source", None) path = data.get("path", []) if is_list(path): def parse(item): try: return int(item) except ValueError: return item path = map(parse, path) value = data.get("value", None) output = {"type": "parameter"} try: source = expand_user(source) output.update( self.parsers.get(schema)(schema, source, path, value) ) return output except FileNotFoundError as exception: _msg = MSG_NOT_FOUND.format("Source", source) self.log.exception(_msg, exception) return NotFoundResponse( _msg, exception, type="parameter", data=data ) except Exception as exception: _msg = (MSG_NOT_ACCESSIBLE.format("Source", source),) self.log.exception(_msg, exception) return BadRequestResponse( exception, message=_msg, type="parameter", data=data ) def __resources(self, data): path = data.get("path", None) content = data.get("content", None) output = {"type": "resource"} try: fix_path = expand_user(path) with open(fix_path, "w") as file: file.write(content) output.update(path=path, content=content) return output except FileNotFoundError as exception: _msg = MSG_NOT_FOUND.format("Path", path) self.log.exception(_msg, exception) return NotFoundResponse( _msg, exception, type="resource", data=data ) except Exception as exception: _msg = MSG_NOT_ACCESSIBLE.format("Path", path) self.log.exception(_msg, exception) return BadRequestResponse( exception, message=_msg, type="resource", data=data ) def __set_std(self, data, output, key, output_format): if data: data = data.strip() if output_format == "plain": output[key] = data elif output_format == "lines": output[key] = data.splitlines() else: try: output[key] = loads(data) except Exception as exception: _msg = MSG_NOT_VALID.format(key) self.log.exception(_msg, exception) output.update( description=_msg, exception=extract_info(exception) ) output[key] = data def __run_cmd(self, cmd, daemon, output): if not daemon: return cmd, check=False, shell=True, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, ) else: return sp.Popen( cmd, shell=True, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE, start_new_session=True, )