Source code for schema.config

from marshmallow import validate
from marshmallow.fields import Boolean
from marshmallow.fields import DateTime as Date_Time
from marshmallow.fields import Float, Integer, Nested, Raw, Str

from schema.base import BaseSchema
from utils.datetime import FORMAT
from utils.schema import ListOrOne

_all__ = [

OUTPUT_FORMATS = ["plain", "lines", "json"]
PARAMETER_SCHEMAS = ["json", "properties", "xml", "yaml"]
RESPONSE_TYPES = ["action", "parameter", "resource"]

EXAMPLE_FILENAME = "firewall.xml"

[docs]class ConfigActionRequestSchema(BaseSchema): """Action part in a single item of the code request.""" id = Str(required=True, example="start", description="Id of the action.") cmd = Str(required=True, description="Command.") args = ListOrOne( Str, many=True, example="-al", description="Command argument." ) daemon = Boolean( default=False, example=True, description="Execute the command as daemon.", ) output_format = Str( enum=OUTPUT_FORMATS, default=OUTPUT_FORMATS[0], example=OUTPUT_FORMATS[1], description="Format of the output of the command.", )
[docs]class ConfigParameterRequestSchema(BaseSchema): """Parameter part in a single item of the code request.""" id = Str( required=True, example="period", description="Id of the parameter." ) schema = Str( required=True, enum=PARAMETER_SCHEMAS, example="yaml", description="Scheme.", validate=validate.OneOf(PARAMETER_SCHEMAS), ) source = Str( required=True, example=EXAMPLE_FILENAME, description="Source filename." ) path = ListOrOne(Str, required=True, example="period", description="Key path.") value = Raw( required=True, example="10s", description="Parameter new value." )
[docs]class ConfigResourceRequestSchema(BaseSchema): """Resource part in a single item of the code request.""" id = Str( required=True, example="filebeat-config", description="Id of the resource.", ) path = Str( required=True, example=EXAMPLE_FILENAME, description="File path" ) content = Str(required=True, description="Resource content.")
[docs]class ConfigRequestSchema(BaseSchema): """Request for config endpoint.""" actions = Nested( ConfigActionRequestSchema, many=True, unknown="INCLUDE", description="List of actions.", ) parameters = Nested( ConfigParameterRequestSchema, many=True, unknown="INCLUDE", description="List of parameters.", ) resources = Nested( ConfigResourceRequestSchema, many=True, unknown="INCLUDE", description="List of resources.", )
class ConfigResponseSchema(BaseSchema): """Response for config endpoint.""" id = Str(required=True, example="start", description="Config id.") data = Raw(description="Configuration data.") timestamp = Date_Time( format=FORMAT, required=True, description="Timestamp when the configuration is done.", ) # noqa:E501 type = Str( enum=RESPONSE_TYPES, example=RESPONSE_TYPES[0], description="Type of the response.", validate=validate.OneOf(RESPONSE_TYPES), ) error = Boolean( default=False, example=True, description="Indicate the presence of an error.", )
[docs]class ConfigActionResponseSchema(ConfigResponseSchema): """Action part in a single item of the config response.""" stdout = Raw(description="Standard output of the execution.") stderr = Raw(description="Standard error output of the execution.") duration = Float(description="Execution time of the action (in seconds") return_code = Integer( required=True, example=0, description="Exit code of the execution (0: no error).", ) # noqa:E501
[docs]class ConfigParameterValueResponseSchema(BaseSchema): """Parameter value part in a single item of the config response.""" new = Raw(required=True, example="5s", description="New value.") old = Raw( required=True, example="10s", description="Old value", allow_none=True )
[docs]class ConfigParameterResponseSchema(ConfigResponseSchema): """Parameter part in a single item of the config response.""" value = Nested(ConfigParameterValueResponseSchema) note = Str(example="No change needed.", description="Additional note.")
[docs]class ConfigResourceResponseSchema(ConfigResponseSchema): """Resource part in a single item of the config response.""" pass